Author: Adam

BASE jumping, probably the only thing that’s more thrilling than a parachute jump. You don’t get that long freefall sensation, granted. But jumping from a cliff face or tall building has got to be one of the biggest adrenaline highs you can get. But there’s a question that often comes up for one reason or another, do BASE jumpers use parachutes? BASE jumping Most people often write it as ‘base jumping,’ but it should be capitalized as ‘BASE’ is an acronym, just like SCUBA. It’s made up of the four most common objects used to jump (or exit) from; buildings,…

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If there’s one thing you can say about skydiving, it’s that it’s not for the faint-hearted. Jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft to seek the thrill of flying like a bird means you need to have some guts about you in the first place. So whether it’s for your pleasure or a charity jump, you might be thinking: Is skydiving good for anxiety? Skydiving is undoubtedly one of the most extreme and easily accessible things every day; ordinary people can go and do without any training. A tandem jump costs around $250-300, and availability is pretty good no matter…

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Skydiving is a thrill that many people want to experience. Falling through the air above the clouds, feeling free as a bird, nothing quite beats that sensory overload. But do you have to skydive tandem the first time? It’s a question that gets asked a lot; some don’t want to be attached to another person; they’d rather be in control of certain aspects of the jump – like when they exit the plane, for instance. Let’s delve a little deeper into the question to find out if you can skydive solo on your very first jump. Can I skydive alone…

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If you’ve looked into taking up skydiving, you’ll have to start with a tandem skydive, but you might be asking the question; is tandem skydiving safe? It’s the only way you can start to jump, being strapped to a trained, well-experienced professional. This should be reassuring enough, but incidents can still happen even though it’s considered the safest form of skydiving. So is tandem skydiving safe? Let’s take a deeper delve to find out. How many people die from skydiving tandem? From 2010 to 2019, there were on average 21 skydiving deaths per year (not including tandem), and in 2018…

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Nearly every extreme sport has a hefty cost associated with it; specialist kit is needed for them all, then you normally have to pay to actually do whatever it may be – slope passes, water fees, etc. When it comes to skydiving, you might be thinking, is skydiving worth the money? Solo jumps aren’t actually all that expensive, but when it comes to the training and equipment, what looks like a fairly cheap thrill ride has a high cost of entry. Much like being a pilot, keeping up your proficiency is also highly advisable; that means you can be looking…

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