Author: Kim

How much does AAF skydiving cost? One of the things that put many prospective new skydivers off is the cost. While jump tickets and equipment hire can be relatively affordable, training courses can run into the $1,000s. To turn up to a jump spot, rent gear, and skydive solo, you will need to have an A license. And to get your A license, you will need to complete a beginner’s skydiving course. However, you don’t need to commit to an expensive A license skydiving course straight away. AFF is an acronym for Accelerate Freefall and is the first and most…

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What is AFF skydiving? Known as Accelerated Freefall, AFF is a training method that helps new skydivers quickly take to the skies and experience their first solo skydives. It’s considered the most efficient learning method for new skydivers and the central part of most beginner’s courses. You may have heard people talk about AFF before as well as talking about A license skydiving. These are not the same thing, but they are connected. On your journey to becoming an accomplished skydiver, you will complete both your AFF and achieve your A license (before progressing to other licenses). The AFF will…

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You may have heard skydivers talk about formation skydiving and not been sure what it is. Formation skydiving is a fast-growing form of competition skydiving which blends artistic freefall with competitive teamwork. It’s recently grown in popularity, with several formation skydiving courses and coaches now available around the country at all levels. If you are new to skydiving, formation skydiving is a fun and challenging way to learn new freefall skills and bond with fellow skydivers. You don’t need to have years of experience behind you, and you can take a beginner’s formation skydiving course as soon as you complete…

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Wingsuit flying is the closest sport we have to actual human flying. Watching a wingsuiter soar through the mountains using nothing but air and physics to control the flight is breathtaking. Many skydivers watch in awe but have little determination of ever getting to wingsuit themselves. The journey to wingsuiting isn’t a simple one, and you’ll need a lot of time, money, and patience. But it’s also not impossible. Let’s explore the steps of how to learn wingsuit flying. Like base jumping, wingsuiting is one of the most extreme of extreme sports. Skydiving is considered a relatively safe sport in…

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If you have ever watched footage of a wingsuiter swooping through a mountain valley or soaring through the skies like Superman, I’m sure you must be longing to try it. Many new and curious skydivers ask us about wingsuit flying and ‘how does it work?’. We’d love to explain more to you. Since the Greek fables of Icarus, man has longed to fly high in the skies and soar between the clouds. And while we may now have engine-propelled flights in many shapes and sizes, nothing gets closer to actual human flight than wingsuit flying. Yes, it’s a very dangerous…

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If you’ve started enjoying skydiving or would like to try skydiving but don’t feel ready, you might be wondering what other similar sports to skydiving there are. Many sports use elements of skydiving or give a similar feeling or emotion. Some sports like base jumping and wingsuiting add more dangerous aspects to skydiving and are popular with high adrenalin thrill-seekers. But there are also sports such as bungee jumping and Parasailing, which offer some of the thrill and adventure but are much more accessible and safer to try. Let’s look at some of the similar sports to skydiving. How does…

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If you’ve seen some base jumping footage and started wondering how to get started, you may find it’s a long and expensive journey. Base jumping is one of the most dangerous sports you can try, and you shouldn’t be put off by the amount of training and time you will need to invest. When done properly and safely, it promises to be life-changing. If you’ve never even skydived before, there’s a lot to do before you can start your first day of training. Before you begin the journey to becoming a base jumper, you should plot your route and the…

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If you are new to skydiving, you may be concerned about how the conditions will affect you. Jumping at high altitudes, experiencing large temperature drops, and falling at high speed seem like a lot of stress to your body. Not to mention the mental stress of diving out of a plane at 12,000 feet for the first time. So is it normal to get a cold after skydiving? There are many myths about skydiving, with many negative claims spread by people who have never skydived before. Skydiving is not as dangerous as some people make out. Risks are now minimal,…

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Is base jumping an Olympic sport? The ancient Greeks created the Olympic Games. There’s no doubt they would have welcomed base jumping as an event if it were possible at that time.However, while you may have enjoyed this year’s Tokyo Olympics but noticed an absence of any form of skydiving or aeronautic sports. Every Olympic Games sees the addition of new sports. This year’s event in Tokyo saw the addition of two extreme sports, rock climbing and surfing; the events were safe and proved to be highly entertaining to watch. Let’s look at whether base jumping has ever been, or…

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Do skydivers feel weightless when they enter freefall? It’s hard even to begin to imagine how freefall feels unless you’ve experienced it. Comparing it to riding on a rollercoaster and passing its peak isn’t an ideal example, nor is the sensation of a bungee jump. The feelings are very different. Weightless is one way some have described it, but what does that mean? How can falling so quickly translate to a weightless feeling? Will you feel weightless for the entire freefall? Let’s talk about the feeling you get from freefall and why some describe it as feeling weightless. We can…

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