Author: Kim

Do your ears pop when skydiving? It’s one thing to take a plane quickly up to a high altitude, but another to then jump out and plummet back down at 120 MPH. How does this affect your ears and equilibrium? Everyone is a little different, and I’m sure you’ve already experienced ear popping when driving through the mountains or when taking a flight. Some people rarely get or feel these pops, while it can play havoc and even cause pain for others. If your ears are sensitive to the pressures of such altitude changes, it’s helpful to understand more about…

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Is base jumping dangerous? Base jumping regularly makes headlines for fatalities or trends on social media due to its death-defying moments. You wouldn’t be 100% wrong in thinking that base jumping is only for the slightly crazy and suicidal. Even watching a go pro flight of a regular base jump can have your heart beating fast and the adrenaline starting to pump. Is base jumping really as dangerous as some of the footage makes out, or is it that just the most extreme footage and most dangerous moments get the attention? Are there ways to perform base jumps with relative…

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For decades the Olympic motto has been “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (“Faster, Higher, Stronger”), and no sport would better suit such words than skydiving. But is skydiving an Olympic sport? Has it ever been an Olympic sport? The Olympics is the premier sporting competition where the world watches the best athletes compete in the most fascinating sports. It has always attempted to change with the times, adding new sports and disciplines every four years. This year saw the introduction of surfing, skateboarding, and sports climbing, among the six new events, all of which provided compelling viewing. However, you may have noticed…

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So you’ve been buzzing with anxiety and excitement awaiting your next skydiving day. Only for the day to arrive and you feel a bit under the weather. You’re pretty sure it’s nothing serious, and although you don’t feel 100%. You are in good spirits and ready to take on the world. But can you go skydiving when sick? Obviously, in light of Covid, you will want to take all the proper precautions and ensure you don’t have anything you can pass on. However, there are times when you feel a little snivel or a minor head cold. It’s not sick…

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If you are new to skydiving and preparing for your first skydive, you undoubtedly have many anxieties and questions. One of those skydiving questions is likely to cover ‘when to pull your parachute.’ Moreover, you are probably wondering how you will know when to deploy your parachute! And how do you even deploy it? Don’t worry. Skydiving is a safe sport these days, and there are lots of modern tools and devices to help you open your parachute at the right time and in the right way. There are also fail-safes and backups to ensure you drift down to earth…

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Your jumpsuit will be one of the most important pieces of skydiving equipment. Choosing the right skydiving jumpsuit is not as simple as selecting the right style to fit your personality or finding the best color to bring out your eyes. Different types of jumpsuits perform better in different scenarios. And it makes a difference what your skydiving jumpsuit is made of. From skin-type lycra suits to thick Cordura jumpsuits, the material you choose can make a difference to your skydiving experience. So it’s important to know what to expect and what to look for when selecting the right skydiving…

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Base jumping has always been a sport on the edge of society. It’s an often dangerous and secretive pursuit. Base jumping headlines often involve close shaves and deaths, arrests, and encounters with security. Popular youtube and social media videos of the sport always gain notoriety for the most daring feats or when done while outwitting law enforcement. But is base jumping an illegal sport? There’s no doubt that some base jumps get attention for breaking laws and taking insane risks. But are all base jumps legal? Big sports brands such as RedBull and Oakley have often put their names to…

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Clouds give a fantastic atmosphere and incredible views to a skydiver. Seeing some small, soft white clouds as you skydive is a breathtaking vision of beauty. But what happens when you skydive through a cloud? Can you get hurt? How dangerous is it? Are you going to get very wet? I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about the need for clear blue skies to skydive. But sometimes, you see a few harmless fluffy clouds which look like they won’t cause any danger. After all, how harmless can a friendly-looking cloud be? Everyone has dreamt of reaching out and touching the…

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The more you skydive, the closer you will feel to nature. Freefalling at such heights and seeing your surroundings’ vast beauty can build an incredible bond. As your relationship with nature grows, so does your carbon footprint, making many flights up to your favorite jump spots. So, how does skydiving affect the environment? You probably won’t meet many sports communities that have such an appreciation for the natural world. Skydiving is all about perspective and discovering natural highs within the beauty of nature. So it’s such a conflicting thought that every time you skydive, you contribute to damaging the environment.…

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We often talk about the mental sides of skydiving (the fear, the excitement, the adrenaline), but how does skydiving affect the body? It’s a very physical sport, yet when researching, you find so much emphasis on the emotional and psychological aspects of the sport. Even with a single jump, skydiving can positively impact both your mental and physical state. And when taking up the sport as a regular hobby, you’d be surprised how much skydiving will change your life for the better. Let’s take a deeper look at how skydiving affects the body. We can explore how it affects your…

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